Marche Bildy Markt
Secret Fashion Stories
Secret Fashion Stories is a collaborative fashion and performance show that is powered by Marché Bildy Market. With a mission extending from the market’s, it aims to bring together designers and artists for a creative exchange. Having different backgrounds, styles and previous accomplishments, all the creatives share a special place in common: Molenbeek. Whether creating, living or working
in the area, our participants, like us, believe in the creative power of the eclectic cluster that fuels their work. The fruit of their collaboration reflects this in a special performative fashion show.
Five designers will share their fashion secrets on the catwalk. Their styles and stories are coming from the edges of the world. in Brussels, in Molenbeek they recreate their designs through a process of merging local and global influences .
Five Brussels based artists accompany the designers. Together they reveal a network of stories, knowledge and creative life, that composes the extraordinary fabric of our city. The Secret Fashion show is a performance of dance, theater and fashion where the invisible labor of local artists is celebrated.